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Just Another Thursday Thumbnail

Just Another Thursday

Today’s article is another short one. Also, it is an introduction to some future ones I will be writing focusing more on the intangible things we all search for. No, I am not getting deep into philosophy. The intent is to look a bit deeper at life balance components. Yeah, I do more than just talk about things like Roths and Taxes😉


First off, this story is paraphrased from another advisor I know. It happened to him, he shared it with a bunch of us and I figured I would share it too. I have changed the details to protect the innocent! We will call the advisor Joe.


It was a beautiful afternoon on a hiking trail in the Rockies. Joe was on his regular hike as this trail was near his house. He was having a drink of water, getting a small snack and enjoying the view. Another hiker sat down on a rock near him to also enjoy the view and grab some air.


They started talking. The other person had flown into town, rented a car, bought a bunch of equipment, and decided to take in a hike or two. They also realized they both were financial advisors. As happens in our world, they began to compare notes on their practices. After a bit, the infamous question was asked by the other hiker. He wanted to know Joe’s asset level. This is referred to Assets Under Management (AUM) in our world.


Joe let him know and the other advisor just kind of chuckled. The other advisor was happy to share his AUM number was significantly higher than Joe’s.


The timing was perfect as Joe had finished his snack and felt rehydrated. He stood up, looked at the other advisor still trying to catch his breath and simply said – “This is your vacation. It is Thursday for me.” And Joe continued on his hike.


Now, Joe is a rather mellow individual so I am assuming the other advisor was rather obnoxious in his response to the AUM situation. However, that is not the point.


The point is Joe has built his practice around the life he and his family want to live. They love the mountains. So, they live nearby where they can enjoy all the seasons and the activities. He is okay with maybe sacrificing some income and not being able to win the “all-important” AUM measuring competitions. Instead, he has built a life he doesn’t have to escape from, which is what this other advisor may have been doing.


There is no real direct point I am trying to raise here. It is mostly just a story I love and seems to be a great introduction to where I help high-stress physicians enjoy life while their health, wealth and time are at their peaks. Stay tuned for next week😊