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Complimentary Fee Analysis Thumbnail

Complimentary Fee Analysis

Alright, I feel like one of those crazy salesmen with this week’s email, but here goes. I am offering a complimentary fee analysis of your existing investment accounts. 

Here is the reason why. I have some new software and I need to test it out as much as I can. 

The concept behind the software is you upload PDFs of your investment statements and it runs a rather comprehensive analysis looking at five different components. They are performance, diversification, risk, taxes and fees. 

It is a relatively new software program and I like testing out new technology every so often. I blame my dad since he liked new gizmos. Regardless, I am making a “Crazy Dan” offer here. 

The offer is for me to run an analysis of your investment statements and I will produce a report on how much you are paying in fees currently. Both for the investments and also to your advisor. It would be a fee analysis. I can’t provide a full report, but I think a free analysis showing how much you are paying in fees is a good deal. 

I am really hoping to analyze some statements from those custodians with a reputation of being rather opaque with their fees. Allegedly😉 This includes wirehouses like Merrill Lynch and insurance companies like Northwestern Mutual and TIAA CREF. Again, allegedly😉 

Fee clarity is a huge issue in my world. A million years ago when I started one of my trainers used to focus on investments where he could “hide” his fee so clients thought they never had to pay him. 401k plans have a similar reputation where it is not easy to see how much you as a participant are paying. Lots of companies now disclose their fees, but not all do. 

So, if you are interested in finding out what exactly you are paying for investments and/or to your advisory, please reach out to me via email. I will then send you a link to upload PDFs of your statements to the software. 

Again, you get some clarity on what fees you are paying and I get to really test out the software. 

Finally, it isn’t unusual for people to feel clueless when it comes to how much they are paying in fees. You would be shocked by how often I talk to a highly successful professional who thinks they pay their advisor nothing and it all comes from some magical other place. Heck, I remember a conversation with a CPA who had a Merrill Lynch advisor. I had to point out on the statement he was paying 1.75% a year in advisory fees and probably another 1% in investment fees. 

I think it’s time we let a little sunshine into how much you are paying in fees. Hopefully you agree!

I’m Dan Johnson, CFP®, founder of Forward Thinking Wealth Management. I run a flat-fee financial planning and investment management firm located in beautiful Akron, OH. Although I am in Akron, OH, I work with clients regardless of location. I cater to owners of equity compensation positions who are looking to organize their financial lives, keep more of what they make, and do the things they want in retirement and even now.